Movement Screen with Kinetisense


According to (Nguyen, 2016) there are seven basic movements that constitute being a human. Seven things that you must do well in order to have an unencumbered life where you can do what you want to do when you want to do it. What is that you say? What are the movements? Alright if you insist I will tell you, but you have to promise me one thing, if I tell you what the movements are you can’t go on reading without a second thought as why these movements are so essential! Here they are the long awaited movements: Push, Pull, Carry, Squat, Lunge, Hinge, Rotation, and Gait. At Ascension Clinic, our purpose is to get a baseline of every patient that walks through the door. That way we can begin with an accurate understanding of where we have begun. It is like anything you do in life, in order to truly understand how far you have come in your health journey, we have to measure where you were when you started. We use our state of the art technology to take these types of measurements.

With Kinetisense we get an assessment of some of the most basic movements you need to function as a human. Your squat, your lunge, your posture, and many other things. Then we use those measurements to track your progress over time to see if there has been any improvement in your functional assessment. We are so confident that our regular targeted approach will improve your ability to move your body in a more controlled and efficient manner, that after one month of fully adhering to the Ascension Clinic Protocol if you don’t see marked improvement in your functional assessment, we will give you a full refund of all the money you spent at Ascension! How is that for a guarantee?!

Nguyen, J. P. T. (2016, October 26). The Fundamental Human Movements. Www.Asirecreation.Org.


Sitting, the New Smoking